Day 1 - Capturing audio from android and its sound levels

Day 1:  Brainstorming and initial technical prototype

The jam is a good distraction. I decided to join, although work is quite hectic at the moment, but I am in need of a distraction from my main project,  a mobile zombie shooter with a robot friend that helps you slash through hordes of zombies. 

I loved the theme "SECRET" as it is really broad and not restrictive. I wanted to keep working on Mobile Games, because I think it is a nice challenge and there are usually very few mobile submissions.

My take on the theme is as follows:

  • You are playing a secret agent in an enemy compound
  • The environment is pitch dark and you forgot your night vision goggles
  • Luckily, you have secret sonar powers to use noise to reveal areas around you 
  • The louder your noises the more you see, but the more you attract enemies
  • Winning condition: Retrieve secret documents and kill as little enemies as possible (optional stealth game)

The technical challenge: 

  • Understanding how to access Android microphone
  • Understanding how to measure noise level
  • Finding a way to tie the noise level to revelation of objects (probably the easiest - level = increase alpha sprite value)

Optional idea:

  • Perhaps introduce darkness as a feature as well to match the map - i.e. the player needs to be in a dark environment?


Outcome day 1:

  • Gained somewhat of confidence that I can at least access the microphone and detect noise!

Get Anya the Sonic Secret Agent (Game Off 2024 Jam)

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