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I really enjoyed playing this game. I loved the merging concept as well, how that changed your gravity when merged. I did notice that the turning mechanism was hard to keep track of your current position, but overall, nice work! :)

I like this game! It really nails that retro-green look. The mechanics are really fun and it just left me wanting to play more. :D

please also check out my game if you want.

Hey! I remember you and your game from the GameDevHQ Jam! Will definitely rate your game later tonight!

thanks man :D I rember you too!

hey btw, do you have discord or anything?

Yes! lopper#9378 :)

Great Game :)

I like the idea of the game but it makes me dizzy, bit its still a good game.

nice concept, have you tried to do a transition in rotation? 

Love the retro look, and scales very nicely!. Great Job.
I would put the instrucions in game though, at least on the first level ad add some juicy music, and camera shakes when hitting objects

good idea, thank you for taking the time! Did you find the R and L key confusing? Seems that folks would prefer arrow keys?

Once you know the keys its ok, has a Legacy turn to it. Sick to the R and  L and add more feedback